Memia Taktak
Graduated from ESAPV Belgium ( art'2) in 1999, she collaborates for 3 years with the agency Matador and Furnemont in 2000.
After a passage at the Christolhomme Agency in France, she founded in June 2001 in Tunisia the DZETA architecture agency,
scenography and design with two partners: Azza Meknini and André Christolhomme.
In 2013 she is a founding member of the association Process for the promotion of design in Tunisia.
In 2014 she won the Africa Design Awards in the category Tribute.
She participates in several events and international exhibitions with a collection of objects including the Dakar Biennale for design in 2007, PANAF in Algiers in 2009, the exhibition Design Maghreb in Toulouse in 2009, L'observateur du design 10 in France in 2010, La cuisine at the Centre d'Art et de Design Appliqués, the Francophonie Summit in Dakar in 2014 and Africa Design Days in Casa Blanca and Rabat in 2015.
She has also participated as a professional expert in several events and conferences in Tunisia and internationally, such as international, such as the Colloquium "The Arab Spring, what role for political design?" ULM Germany in 2011, the Conference "Architecture, Design and Crafts" at the Building Exhibition The Carthage in 2014, Conference at the ASM for the MEDNETA project, Conference at IHEC CARTHAGE, on "Design and Tunisian production", LA NUIT DES IDEES at The IFT, "Urban space and furniture, the Park Byrsa", the Summit of interior architecture CRAIS, in Sfax in 2018 and a Round Table on "The craft object in Tunisia", in partnership with the Ona and the Rambourg Foundation.
She is the author of several scenographies of which "the Meetings of the contemporary Art" in Tunis in 2003, the Biennial of in photography in Mali 2008, "Lumières de Kairouan" at the IMA, Paris in 2009, the exhibition "The Awakening of a Nation" at the Palais Qsar Es Said at the Palais Qsar Es Said, Tunis in 2016 and the exhibition "Gorgi Pluriel" at the Palais Kheireddine in 2018.

We believe that the Tunisian handicrafts are all millennia-old trades with unique know-how that have been able to resist and adapt to all the changes in our society.

We believe in innovation as a means to achieve new ideas, objects, shapes and textures.

We believe that vegetable fibers constitute today a rich and varied heritage: from the Alfa produced in Kasserine, the Smar produced in Nabeul, the Zaaf produced in Gabes, the palm wood produced in Tozeur, Tunisia abounds in different natural fibers, source of inspiration for our products.