Samia Cherif: The "high creative added value" gives international recognition"

Samia Cherif: The "high creative added value" gives international recognition"

Company specializing in the launch and development of Tunisian brands of decorative handicrafts for international markets, "Lista International" continues its epic and turns to the products of vegetable fibers. Supported by Impact Partner in finance and training, the platform intends to launch a new brand.

Object of all criticism, the Tunisian handicrafts have long been accused of this unfortunate extreme poor quality that undermined the prestige of 'handmade' praised everywhere in countries where the artisans were likened to living treasures. To give the change, Tunisia has imported the handicrafts of India, Syria and others, until new creators and new promoters begin to appear madly in love with authenticity, and since then our craft is getting better and better.

Among these entrepreneurs, Samia Cherif and Khaled Brahim, co-founders of "Lista International", a platform dedicated to the launch and development of Tunisian brands of decoration based on handicrafts in a spirit of B2B export-oriented.

Products revisited by renowned designers

When we ask about the value proposition of "Lista International", Samia Cherif talks about a "need to diversify the tourism offer by focusing on the Tunisian handicrafts strong of its rich heritage." Created in November 2015, the platform aims to promote and enhance the Tunisian handicrafts abroad. Since its inception, it has acquired a know-how through the experience of its first brand, "The Tunisian list". It has built a solid network of partners in major cities around the world such as Paris, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Singapore, Hamburg, Sydney, Brussels, Lisbon, Montpellier ...

A network that lets us imagine the effort of seduction and hard work that led to the build-up of these competitive advantages which our interlocutor summarizes in one sentence: "Handcrafted products revisited by renowned designers and their distribution through our network in the largest cities in the world. And the results are amazing, since its partners are prestigious brands such as APC, Boutiques Homes, Baycrews, Ron Herman, Stylodeco, Couleur Locale, and especially La Maison Pernoise of Montpellier who trusted Samia Cherif and Khaled Brahim and made them benefit from publications in the most prestigious media: Elle, Elle Déco, Vogue France, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire Maison, MyLittle Paris, Architectural Digest ...

A future made of vegetable fibers !

Outstanding results that prove that Tunisian entrepreneurs are capable of reaching the top of the podiums. But Samia Cherif and Khaled Brahim are not alone; they have been able to count on the multiform support of Impact Partner, the organization involved in programs to support startups and SMEs with high social impact in Tunisia. "Impact Partner's support did not stop at financial support; it also helped with training on our digital leadership needs and mentoring targeted to specific needs," says Samia Cherif.

All these factors clearly indicate that Lista International is looking towards a future of consolidation, and our interviewee agrees when asked about the company's future plans. "Launching our new brand: 'La fibre artisanale'," she confided. In truth, Samia Cherif and Khaled Brahim have decided since 2021 to invest in this new brand "The craft fiber" whose purpose is to highlight products made of vegetable fibers that their customers request.

Based on the plant fibers authentically Tunisian, "La fibre artisanale" aims to produce decorative products with high creative added value. These products will be sold exclusively through their partners who are in the largest capitals of the world, and they have already announced to their customers the birth of this new brand that will meet their expectations.

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